CSM Live delivers Lidl Football Zone experience

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After CSM Live delivered a successful campaign in 2017, the Lidl Football Zone has returned for 2018. The events aim to promote Lidl’s partnership with The FA, The Scottish FA and The Football Association of Wales and their grassroots football programmes. The Lidl Football Zone is also used as a great opportunity to showcase fresh, British produce and promote healthy eating through sampling and change brand perceptions by creating fun, memorable experiences brought by Lidl.

Additionally, this year has seen the introduction of an NSPCC presence to the Football Zones to help raise awareness of Lidl’s national partnership with the charity. The NSPCC Big Goals for Little Ones area includes an interactive Big Dreams wall, garden games and face painting that has been very popular among children.

The campaign kicked off in Cardiff on 21st April and has seen many parents and children engaging with the experience, sampling Lidl products and having a go on the Trolley Chip Challenge, Speedcage Challenge and Beat the Keeper activities. Since Cardiff, the Lidl Football Zones have travelled up and down the country visiting numerous city centres and county shows.

The Lidl Football Zones have received plenty of positive feedback from families, with a parent stating “my kids loved all of the activities today and I am really glad to learn that Lidl are supporting children in football’, and another saying, ‘I haven’t really tried Lidl’s fresh veg before but I have tried everything today and I am really impressed.”   

Helen Oberlin-Harris, senior consultant at Lidl stated that, ‘”the Lidl Football Zone campaign has enabled us to engage with families in multiple geographies throughout the country, promoting our values of a healthy, active lifestyle, whilst promoting our partnership with the England football team ahead of the summer.”

On Friday 15thJune the Lidl Football Zone travels to the Royal Three Counties Show in Worcestershire, just a day after the FIFA World Cup kicks off. A list of the final events can be seen below:


Royal Three Counties Show England 15-17th June
Royal Highland Show Scotland 21-24th June
Leeds City Centre England 30th June
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