Touch Worldwide helps Nokia launch Lumia 925
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To launch Nokia’s new Lumia 925 phone, Touch Worldwide devised a creative communications strategy based around “showing, not telling”.
The Lumia 925 features Nokia’s most advanced camera yet, so Touch designed a series of experiences that demonstrated its brilliance to an audience of media and industry analysts at a cool central London venue. Touch was responsible for all event management, registration and creative elements of the event, inviting over 200 media from right across the world, securing nearby hotels and assisting with travel.
The media got their hands on the new phone at Victoria House on Bloomsbury Square, a London venue transformed from a blank canvas into a Nokia-branded space packed with exciting hands-on demos. From the invitation through every aspect of the event, the theme of “More than your eyes can see” was brought to life. After a walk-through deploying a number of optical illusions, the event started with a press briefing, complete with Wi-Fi and wired internet connectivity to 200 individual seats, plus facilities for camera crews and live streaming.
Jo Harlow, Nokia’s executive vice president in charge of Smart Devices, introduced the Lumia 925 as “Nokia’s best smartphone ever.” Once the phone had been revealed, the media and industry analysts experienced its key features in a series of hands-on demos, each highlighting a benefit of the camera and software.