experientialspace.co.uk by SpaceandPeople

Experiential Space Logo SquareThe SpaceandPeople Group is the leading destination media specialist placing experiential activity into a wide range of venues throughout the UK on a weekly basis. Our new website www.experientialspace.co.uk allows brands and agencies the opportunity to browse a wide array of promotional spaces, both internal and external, throughout the UK. The platform enables users to browse and select different venues before speaking to the in-house SpaceandPeople brand experience team.

With an average of 10+ years’ experience each, our brand experience team can advise, source, recommend and book appropriate venues to meet your campaign objectives. Our team’s in-depth knowledge of what works well and at what venues provides brands and agencies the knowledge they need to successfully execute anything from a one-off PR stunt to a multi-stop roadshow.


We work with our clients to define the target audience, discuss the campaign objectives and curate a selection of potential locations that meet that criteria. Our team of dedicated account managers work with brands and agencies through the entire booking process to:

  • Tailor venue options based on a wide range of criteria including demographics
  • Liaise directly with venues to get additional information
  • Handle all aspects of the booking including the relevant paperwork
  • Book multiple venues if required


We work with a wide range of venues including:

  • Shopping Venues
  • Train Stations
  • City/Town Centres
  • Central London Locations
  • Beach/Waterfronts

Plus many more – please contact us for more information or for a specific campaign request


Website: www.experientialspace.co.uk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/experiential-space-co-uk / https://www.linkedin.com/company/spaceandpeople-plc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceandPeople

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spaceandpeopleuk


Telephone: 0141 354 1191
Web: www.experientialspace.co.uk
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