The FMBE awards – my personal top100, number 2

2. TBWA/Chiat/Day, Gatorade

We don’t get that many Cannes Grand Prix winners entered into FM&BE and even  fewer that fail to win our award to sport alongside their Lion, but that was the fate that befell my second best ever FM&BE award entry.

It was beaten by the greatest ever branded candid camera stunt in our Audience Award – itself a Cannes Gold winner. Online viewers and readers were fractionally less charmed by the re-enactment of a decade old American Football sporting rivalry than they were by Italian men being lured to a music and poetry concert on the night of the big match. (Gold Winner, Heineken, JWT Milan, number 47 in my chart).

The Heineken work was certainly alluring and emotional. Gatorade was as well, though where Gatorade scored its touchdown for me was in the legacy.

Gatorade Replay didn’t ride off the back of a social network – it created one, a website where old team mates now search for each other.

Gatorade didn’t endorse a TV show or event to get its audience. It built a story that was so compelling that the TV series followed. It is still running.

Gatorade Reply is, as far as I know, the only experiential advert to cathch the interest of every Hollywood movie maker – with rights reserved.


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