FMBE Awards 2023: Most Effective Product Launch/ Relaunch
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GOLD PRL In-Market Solutions – Velo
Nicotine pouch product Velo gained 25% market share in Ireland in just 10 weeks as PRL’s campaign headed into stores with a storm of speed and effectiveness in field sales and merchandising.
Achieving 100% display compliance the team won the internal award from brand owner BAT, recognised in July as the quickest region to market.
David Melinn, Country Manager, BAT Ireland testified
“BAT Ireland introduced Velo nicotine pouches to the market in June 2023 with ambitious share, volume and distribution targets. Our Sales Team Partners PRL executed a well-prepared launch plan through strong customer relationships and excellent in-store execution resulting in one of the fastest brand launches BAT has ever seen.
PRL’s use of all available Velo Marketing Campaign POS and Secondary Unit placement has been outstanding. Their determination, focus and appetite to win in this category sees Velo grow in volume, share and distribution every day since its launch! .“
SILVER Green Field Marketing – KP Snacks
This launch saw two new Epic Eats products under the McCoy’s brand head for success in Northern Ireland using a mix of field sales and product sampling.
The results showed how a specialist in the territory could make an immediate impact and retain the distribution points gained.
- Distribution results vs 60% target by SKU;
- Epic Eats Nacho Cheese – 71.9%
- Epic Eats Spicy Salsa – 71.3%
- Secondary Displays Agreed vs 50 Target – 89
- Samplings Agreed in Store – 36
- Total Samples handed out – 13,248
Not just did the initial distribution figures surpass the KPI’s, but performance thereafter has remained just as strong with 97% of new distribution points being retained. There was no cannibalisation of the McCoys Sharing range which average 97.5% distribution across the core SKUs. All new listings were purely incremental to KP Snacks, and led to a spike in Average Lines Per Store, which is another KPI for the sales team.
The Producers – Not On The High Street
The Amplification/Integration winner was also commended as the brand experience launch/relaunch of the year with the FML store. This relaunch saw the revamped brand proposal gaining traction with a new target market.