Elevate Global launches ElevateHER and invites survey participants

The ElevateHER survey is open until 4th October.

Elevate Global has launched ElevateHER, an initiative committed to promoting gender equality and driving equity for women in the workplace. Through a collaborative approach, ElevateHER aims to address critical issues affecting women, such as female health, childcare, and career progression. By engaging a diverse range of voices within the events industry, the initiative fosters discussion, education, and action to create meaningful change.

With seven strategic pillars guiding its mission, ElevateHER is committed to supporting women at every stage of their careers and ensuring an inclusive environment for all.

Carina Filek, Chief Operations Officer, Elevate Global, is the driving force behind ElevateHER, leading the initiative to promote gender equality and inclusivity. Beyond Elevate, Carina is involved in external mentoring initiatives like LMF and The Girls Network, further demonstrating her commitment to supporting and empowering women in business.

Each of the 7 strategic pillars of ElevateHER is led by women within Elevate, showcasing the internal commitment to the initiative. The entire Elevate team, across all levels, is actively involved in amplifying ElevateHER’s mission, contributing to awareness, participation, and implementation of its goals both within the company and across the broader events industry.

7 Strategic Pillars:

  1. Policy Review, Creation & Publication

o Objective: To create and implement comprehensive policies that support women and caregivers at Elevate, addressing topics like female health, parental leave, and caregiving.

o Goal: To ensure women and caregivers feel supported and confident in navigating all phases of life with workplace backing.

  1. Supporting the Next Generation

o Objective: To empower the next generation of women by offering mentorship, sharing experiences, and preparing them for the workforce.

o Goal: Provide opportunities for women, support with CV clinics and expanding the Elevation mentorship programme.

  1. Showcasing Women in Events

o Objective: To spotlight the achievements and contributions of women within the event industry.

o Goal: Launch the quarterly ElevateHER magazine to feature stories, achievements, and profiles of women making an impact in the sector.

  1. Training & Mentoring

o Objective: To provide women with the skills, knowledge, and support necessary to advance their careers and take on leadership roles.

o Goal: Develop a comprehensive Training and Professional Development Programme including a video resource library for women in and outside Elevate.

  1. On-Site Support

o Objective: To ensure women in events receive proper education and resources on important topics such as health and well-being.

o Goal: Educate event staff on women’s health issues (e.g., via the Women’s Health Index) and provide on-site support for their unique needs.

  1. Wider Impact & Round Tables

o Objective: To create a platform for open dialogue and collaboration on overcoming barriers for women in the workplace and event industry.

o Goal: Host roundtable discussions to share experiences and strategies for overcoming career obstacles, enhancing awareness, and driving inclusivity across the industry.

  1. Research, Data & Measurement

o Objective: To collect and analyse data to shape policies and create actionable reports that improve gender equality in the workplace.

o Goal: Gather extensive data through surveys and research to inform the development of new policies and support future reports, helping drive meaningful change across industries.

The current focus is on gathering comprehensive data through the ElevateHER survey, which is due to end on 4th October 2024, to support policy creation and an industry report. This report will provide a detailed look at the current landscape for women at work with a focus on the events space. The insights will help to shape policies on important topics like female health, parental leave, and caregiving which will be published as templates to help businesses drive meaningful change.

The survey is open to participation until 4th October


Carina Filek told FMBE: “Women face countless challenges in the workplace every day. I’ve seen it firsthand throughout my career, from being passed over for management roles for being female when I started out in the field, to dealing with harassment. I’m passionate about creating a space where women can come together to share their experiences and drive real change. With ElevateHER, we’re not just focusing on making changes within our company; we want to connect with women across the industry to amplify their voices. By gathering insights from our survey, we aim to capture diverse perspectives that will help spark important conversations and drive meaningful action to close the gender gap.”


The survey is open to participation until 4th October




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