Danio fans’ walk on yoghurt at Wembley
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Danone’s super-thick yogurt brand Danio unveiled a giant pot of ‘walk on yoghurt’ at Wembley Stadium last weekend as part of an experiential campaign devised by brand experience agency BEcause.
The entertaining stunt was staged at the Danone Nations Cup World Finals, the world’s largest international football tournament for 10-12 year olds, which was held on 7th September.
An oversized yogurt pot, with a diameter of 1.8 metres held 656 litres of Oobleck, a mixture of corn starch and water that looks like a liquid but behaves like a solid when pressure is applied, allowing visitors to walk across it.
BEcause account director, Anna Bradshaw comments:
“Danio is a super thick and super tasty strained yogurt that is high in protein and low in fat. We wanted to bring the brand to life for event attendees, giving children a chance to get involved, have fun, get a little mucky and leave with a great story to tell their friends and family!”
Outside the arena, the Danio Airstream trailer, which has been touring retail outlets all summer, offered people a chance to sample six flavours of Danio. Well-informed brand ambassadors were also on hand to drive key brand messages and instigate conversations about Danio.
The Danio range of low fat, high protein strained yogurts was launched in January 2013 and comes in six flavours.