Haribo Big Bag tour continues with SGA Productions

The Haribo Big Bag Tour, which invites people to experience what it might be like inside the brands top selling treats; Starmix, Tangfastics and Super Mix is back for a second year running and is even bigger and better than before.

Haribo’s larger than life replica bags, 30 times bigger than a standard pack, will tour the UK’s top family events this summer. Stopping off at more destinations, including at venues in Scotland, Nottinghamshire and Dorset, the tour, which has been devised by SGA Productions, will also include two events in Ireland.

This is the second time the brand have worked with SGA Productions, part of MGA Group based at London Bridge in central London, following the successful management of the tour last year.

Taking people on a sensory journey, the tour allows them to explore the mix within the Starmix bag, individuals will find a light show of Haribo’s iconic shaped pieces – Heart Throbs, Friendship Rings, Goldbears, Cola Bottles and Fried Eggs whizzing around the bag. Inside the Tangfastics bag the taste sensation when the popular treat tangs your tongue, is replicated by bubbles, while the final bag, Super Mix, gives visitors the chance to experience the squishy and smooth textures most commonly associated with the product, underfoot on an interactive floor.

Katy Clark, marketing manager at Haribo comments: “The Haribo Big Bag Tour proved really popular last year with thousands of people choosing to explore the mix of their favourite treats. We wanted to continue the campaign for a second year running, but build upon the success of 2013’s tour. By covering an increased number of destinations, with more days on the road even more people will be able to experience this sensory journey.”

SGA Productions operations director Mark Palmer says: “SGA Productions is delighted and privileged to be working closely with Haribo for the second time on the exciting ‘Big Bag Tour’ national sampling campaign.  2013’s tour was a tremendous success, however this year we’re looking to engage with even more consumers by visiting even more destinations over a longer period of time.”

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