Buckinghamshire New University all set to host Experiential Marketing conference
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Ajaz Ahmed, Chairman of digital agency AKQA, will open EACA’s 6th annual education conference hosted by Bucks New University, at High Wycombe in the UK on 25 May 2012.
Under the title “Walking the talk – how experiential marketing is creating challenges for commercial communications” the conference will address the issues surrounding experiential marketing in an era when all space is, potentially, ad space.
“In little over a decade, ways of reaching customers on and offline has developed so far that commercial communications is more of an experience than a simple message – diverse media formats, modes of engagement and new ways of thinking about ‘360-degree’ advertising are more relevant than ever“, said Paul Springer, head of research & special projects at the Faculty of Design, Media & Management at Buckinghamshire New University and host of the edcom conference 2012.
EACA’s annual education conference is unique in Europe as it brings together European academics, researchers, agency representatives and students with a shared interest in commercial communications education and provides a platform for an academia-industry discussion on the future education needs of students looking for an agency career.
Full programme & registration details on www.eacaeduation.eu.