Flash mob bustles for Route 52

Stagecoach has launched its new Eco Bus on Route 52, which runs from North Sheffield to South Sheffield.

The ECO friendly bus offers free Wi-Fi to passengers during their ride.To celebrate the launch of the new Eco Bus on the route 52, Ambient WW devised a flash mob to surprise both locals and bus company stakeholders, who were attending the City Hall launch on the day.

The flash mob consisted of 25 dancers in green onesies mimicking the Stagecoach green overalls and a break dancing bus driver. To surprise the public, the performers were hiding in an Eco Bus, which was parked up at Bakers Pool outside the City Hall. The Eco Bus also served to provide the music for the mob.

The track, which incorporated lyrics about the new Eco Bus and its free Wi-Fi, was recorded in-house at On Advertising. A total of 9 performances across 5 locations along the route that is served by the 52 were executed by the crew.

Ambient WW also provided 3 EcoBikes that travelled along the route of the 52 to promote the new Eco Bus and free Wi-Fi and a broadcast from the bus itself by Big John from Radio Hallam also supported the launch.

Ambient WW were commissioned by broadcast advertising specialist On Advertising and specialist outdoor buyer Kinetic for this campaign.

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