Nestle Cereals and Tribe Marketing make mornings magical
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On Wednesday morning, London commuters at Waterloo saw what they thought was a commuter magically levitating at the station.
Nestlé Cereals had secretly planted illusionist Sean Alexander, equipped with a bowl of cereal, as part of their mission to give Brits the #CerealLift they need in the morning.
According to new research , by the end of the morning rush, nearly a third (29%) of UK adults are in need of a lift to improve their mood, so it’s fair to say we could all use a little magic in the mornings. Over two thirds (67%) of those surveyed even said they think making time for breakfast in the mornings would help them to avoid their morning mishaps.
Support for the Waterloo Station activity was provided by experiential agency Tribe Marketing and staffing agency Brand Warriors. Tribe created the ‘lift’ illusion to support Nestlé cereals new digital campaign #CerealLift. Cereals from the range were sampled with milk, almond milk, yoghurt, fruit and nuts and included Shreddies, Cheerios, Shredded Wheat Bite Size and Gluten Free Honey Flakes.
PR and social media activity was handled by The Red Consultancy.
Michelle Bull, marketing manager at Nestlé cereals says: “We wanted a stunt to bring to life our #CerealLift digital campaign and showcase that the variety of cereals in the Nestlé Cereals range means there’s sure to be a #CerealLift out there for everyone!”
Chris Russell, managing director of Tribe Marketing, adds: “It takes something special, even a bit magical, to get the attention of the average London commuter. That’s why we came up with the idea of the levitating commuter, complete with a bowl of tasty Nestlé cereal, floating serenely above the crowds on his way to work.”