Joe Berry Award launches in the UK

The Joe Berry Award is the longest standing retail award in Australia. An award which is unique in the entry requirements and deliverables. An award that brings together a wide cross- section of the retail industry allowing young executives from retailer, manufacturer, supplier, service provider and wholesaler sectors to compete on a level field. If they are industry employed and under 35, they can enter.

The Joe Berry Award was founded in Australia in 1986. Joe Berry was born in the UK and in his time was recognized as a thought leader in retail.This award was founded based on recognition and encouragement for young leaders – for the benefit of both their future and the future of the retail industry.

The Award is now the longest continuous program in Australia and there is no other similar competition any where else across the globe. The decision to launch in the UK is part of a global strategy to allow young retail people to eventually compete in a global recognition program.

The Joe Berry Award UK will be led by Nigel Cruttenden, Natural Insight, in liaison with the Joe Berry Award in Australia, a not-for-profit organization. The program is visible through and LinkedIn and entries open on November 1st, 2019.

Nigel will draw together a panel of essay judges and final judges from within the industry. These judges will participate in a very interesting program that will lift their trend knowledge and showcase the talent within the UK industry. Part of the process allows comparison with in-house talent against talent from other sectors. Priceless opportunity.

The UK winner will be flown to Sydney to participate in the annual judging and presentation of finalists in June 2020 then a hosted tour of the Australian retail market. We are looking to gain the high level of support from within the industry in the UK, as we do in Australia.

Recent winners and finalists in Australia have been offered quick promotions as their recognition inside their employer companies is rapidly escalated. Their collective research across several selected topics has become must-have reading material for senior managers looking current information for strategic planning.

The Award plan is for support from the major retailers, blue-chip suppliers and the research companies. The attraction is set to draw in entries from the shop floor to the head office as talent lies in all these locations.



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