Kingsmill and Sense get set for lunch
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Allied Bakeries’ brand Kingsmill have sponsored ‘the big lunch’ – a charity initiative by the Eden Project which aims to encourage as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours in a simple act of community, friendship and fun.
The Eden Project started The Big Lunch in 2009 with the belief that we, as a society, are better equipped to tackle the challenges that we face when we face them together. The Big Lunch will be held on June 3rd during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend.
To drive further awareness and leverage their sponsorship, following a competitive pitch, Kingsmill appointed agency Sense to drive product trial and further promote this via a Kingsmill ‘Big Lunch’ national roadshow tour that will visit 21 locations over a 5 week period starting on March 30th.
Whilst leveraging The Eden Project sponsorship, the tour aims to get kids involved and excited about bread with activity centred around ‘putting the fun back into kids lunches’ by encouraging kids to be as creative as posible when making their dream sandwiche using Kingsmill’s 50/50 bread and nutritionist approved ingredients.
Whilst kids embark on a spot of culinary creativity in specially branded sandwich making marquee’s, mums will be given product information leaflets with an attached MONP coupon to incentivise purchase of Kingsmill 50/50 loaves.
Their work will be photographed (with parental permission) for entry into a national competition. The 24 most creative entries will be chosen to feature in Kingsmill’s downloadable recipe book with a lunch in your street prize awarded to one of these 24.
Sarah O’Neil, senior account manager at Sense Marketing said:
“We are really looking forward to seeing how creative the kids are with their sandwich designs and putting the fun into their lunch”