Mini Pop Up Shop drives into Silverburn
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Silverburn has today announced the recent opening of a Mini Pop Up Shop bylocal car dealership Harry Fairbairn MINI Giffnock, at Silverburn,Glasgow
Located adjacent to Wallis and Clarks the 6,000 sq ft storeopened on 21 July for a six-week period and has created an engaging way toshowcase five new models of MINI within the space.The store concept designed by MINI, encourages visitors to engage with theproduct as well as other activities in-store including an Xbox One and useof table football. In addition, iPads are available with which visitorscan build your own MINI via a special app.
Heart Radio, presenter Paul Harper and the Heart Angels appeared at thelaunch event on Saturday 25 July to celebrate the opening. To coincidewith the Silverburn MINI Pop Up Shop, the Harry Fairbairn MINI dealershipwill be running a major competition and the chance to win a MINI for theweekend. The winner will be announced on 28 August via Harry FairbairnsFacebook page.
Harry Fairbairn Mini franchise manager, Sandy Edward: Silverburn was theobvious choice for our MINI Pop Up Shop as it gives us as a dealership thechance to showcase our product to a new consumer and within a creativeenvironment. In addition we had a hugely successful BMW Pop Up Shop lastyear at the centre and wanted to create the same buzz for MINI this year.
David Pierotti, Silverburns general manager added: “We are pleased towelcome Harry Fairbairn for a second year and the MINI concept pop-up hasalready proven to be hugely popular with our visitors of all ages. As abrand, MINI is a great addition to our retail and leisure offer. Theopening is also benefiting from the increased footfall following ourleisure extension opening last month and also the summer holiday period.”