Neilson Active Holidays in Oculus Rift holiday trials with JCDecauxLive
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Neilson Active Holidays is offering consumers in malls the chance to Have A Go Before You Go and feel what it’s like to ski down the slopes of Andorra and windsurf in a sunny bay in Greece in an experiential campaign with JCDecauxLive.
With the aid of Oculus Rift virtual reality technology, consumers in malls nationwide will be able to drop their shopping bags and pick up their ski poles or windsurfing boom and experience the activities from the comfort of dry land and in the shelter of a shopping mall.
Neilson will be giving people the chance to win a Neilson Active Holiday, by sharing their experience on their social profiles using the hashtag: #neilson
Andy Furlong, Director of Marketing and Sales at Neilson Active Holidays, said:
“We wanted to provide as many people as possible with the exhilarating feeling of being on a Neilson Active holiday and by using ground-breaking technology we’re making this a reality. We’re going to give Westfield shoppers a well-earned break from their shopping for a few moments by immersing them in a 360° virtual reality active experience.”
Join Neilson Active Holidays at Stratford Westfield from 27th-28th June on the Ground Floor, between Kurt Geiger, Cos, Russell & Bromley and Links. The roadshow is visiting The Bullring in Birmingham from 4th-5th July.