New Tlantic InStore Tracking application maximises retail sales

Tlantic’s new inStore Tracking application tracks Wi-Fi, GSM or Bluetooth-enabled smartphones and tablets carried by customers to provide a cost-effective, real-time people counting solution. Knowing how many people are in a store at any one time enables managers to ensure that a sufficient number of customer service staff are available. Automated warnings of developing situations, such as overcrowded stores or checkout areas, can be sent direct to staff on the shop floor enabling them to take immediate action to reduce queuing and ensure the safety of all shoppers.

The movement of customers between different areas of a store and dwell times in different zones can also be tracked. This enables retailers to identify the most effective merchandising displays and where the most sales are being generated.

InStore Tracking can also be used in conjunction with Tlantic’s customers or retailers existing apps to communicate with customers in a non-intrusive way. Customers that opt-in will receive notifications from the retailer with further information about specific products or suggestions for complementary products that may be of interest. Shoppers using the Tlantic Customer app can also interact directly with the retailer to enquire about a particular product, check stock levels and sizing information, or request assistance from the floor sales staff who use inStore Tracking to instantly locate the customer within the store

The tracking is already being used by international retailers to engage more closely with their customers and analyse data on a store-by-store basis to determine the effectiveness of workforce management, merchandising, pricing and special promotions.

A web-based dashboard provides staff with a customisable, real-time view of performance showing the hot and cold-spots of every location. It also shows the routes that shoppers take throughout the store and the time they spend in each department or at the till.

The Tlantic Mobile Retail Suite delivers an omni-channel customer experience and enables applications from Tlantic, third party apps and retailer’s existing apps, to link with legacy retail software applications. It integrates with all commonly used e-commerce, ERP, WMS and POS platforms and is scalable from single site locations through to the largest multi-site, multi-brand and multi-currency retail operations. The suite can be deployed as a cloud, or as an on premise-based solution.

“Tlantic inStore will significantly increase the effectiveness of sales promotions, enhance customer interaction, create cross-selling opportunities and enable the delivery of improved customer service.” Commented Paulo Magalhães, CEO of Tlantic.

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