PixAngels to roam Confex

Photo and social media service PixAngels is attending Confex 2012 (Stand P202). The stand will provide visitors with an opportunity to experience PixAngels in action, with a spectacular stand display and competition giveaways.

A spokespwerson for PixAngels buzzed in anticipation of the event: “Get your photo taken on the stunning angel’s throne and don’t miss the beautiful and friendly Angels who have been given exclusive rights to roam around the exhibition. You can witness our Angels in action – and view our unique gallery driving likes and seeding branded images to Facebook and Twitter”

Utilising specialised wearable photo-online technology, PixAngels deliver measurable photo-social experiences with high impact at any event. PixAngel models, roam, engage and snap in any environment. The technology bridges the gap between photography and the online world of sharing. Some clients include Real Radio, The Sun, Estee Lauder, Marketing Society and Blackberry.

Pre-register to guarantee free, fast-track entry on arrival at the show! www.international-confex.com/registerhome

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