RMI Events gets Chrysler dealer deal
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Chrysler Group, LLC has reached an agreement with RMI Events to assist dealers in generating showroom customer traffic to their over 2,600-dealer network in the US.
“We’re very excited to be partnered with Chrysler,” says Bill Locke, CEO of The Ross Companies, parent company of RMI Events. “We can now focus on helping dealers reach their objectives and have Chrysler’s support in the process.”
Market Centre is a portal for all Chrysler Group dealers to access approved suppliers while taking advantage of negotiated rates and discounts for goods and services RMI Events provides a combined effort of direct mail executions, email blasts and appointment scheduling capabilities for 3-Day on site dealership promotions. Beyond marketing capabilities, RMI Events includes in store “Hosting” with every event to assist dealer’s sales teams in maximising showroom traffic and organise the flow of customer inquiries.