Field Marketing and Brand Experience Awards announces date and location
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The Field Marketing and Brand Experience Awards will be held on Thursday January 30th at London’s most central location, 8 Northumberland Avenue.
The move to this elite London venue adds style, panache and an updated emphasis on networking for the famous Awards as they celebrate 20 years of bringing the FMBE industry together.
At a time when FMBE news is dominated by agencies extending their international credentials, joining each other through merger or working together through alliances, FMBE has chosen a location that can be easily accessed from anywhere in the world.
The new January date is also devised to help new connections and brilliant minds come together at a time of year when planning ahead is a priority
Frank Wainwright, FMBE Awards director comments: “I’m thrilled to announce this outstanding award-winning venue as the new location for FMBE Awards. It is a minute’s walk from Trafalgar Square making it the most central event space in the capital and one that lives up to that location with its stunning ballroom and elite catering.”
“This year the event theme will be about connecting. There will be a fun side and a serious side to that. Think pairs, pairing, joining forces and connecting.”
The venue and date announcement is set to be followed by a series of further new initiatives that will make the FMBE Awards the place to celebrate 2024’s achievements whilst kickstarting 2025 in the company of other talents from across the industry.
Says Frank, “FMBE has always been the place where bright minds meet – our client judges, our blue-sky innovators, our senior directors, our rising stars. We have seen so many agreements to collaborate formed under our roof, by the simple process of spending just one fun evening amongst the most creative and effective people in our industry.”
“The elite London location and the January date will make the FMBE Awards the place where past excellence is celebrated whilst looking ahead to the next opportunities.”