Burger King appoints Frank as its lead PR agency
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Burger King has selected Frank as its UK PR Agency of Record after a four-way competitive pitch. Frank will be pivotal in supporting the fast food chain’s brand transformation programme through integrated consumer campaigns in collaboration with BBH and Coolr.
With some exciting new product launches upcoming for the brand, Frank will be delivering creative activations to drive awareness and relevance to a younger audience. In addition, the agency will be handling the press office function, regional support for the brand’s new restaurant programme and crisis and issues management.
Burger King’s Head of Brand Soco Nunez said: “We were so impressed with Frank’s creativity. In Frank, we have found a perfect partner with a unique grasp of how to apply cultural relevance to our brand story. Their approach to creative PR made them the perfect choice for Burger King.”
Frank Founder and Managing Partner, Andrew Bloch said: “This is a whopper of a win for Frank. I’m still buzzing with the news. Burger King produces some of the best marketing campaigns in the world, and I can’t wait for Frank to be a part of that. To be the lead PR Agency for a brand like Burger King is the dream.”
Burger King continues a run of new business for Frank, including Diet Coke, Huawei, Rimmel London, Culture Trip, The Outernet and Pernod Ricard.