Elevate Global returns as staffing partner at FMBE Awards

FMBE Awards is delighted to announce that Elevate Global is the supplier sponsor of staff to the event for the third year in succession. The Elevate team will take on all the hosting duties of the event alongside the FMBE team.

The agreement comes after outstanding feedback for the hosting of last year’s event, which saw the Elevate team viewed as ‘accomplished’, ‘welcoming’ and ‘enthusiastic’.

Frank Wainwright, FMBE Awards director comments: “Hosting with Elevate is like hosting the event with hard working friends. Whilst the team always prioritise our guests requirements, they really enjoy and embrace the occasion. The balance of professionalism and infectious enthusiasm they deliver helps ensure that our guests to have a great night, keeping the event running smoothly whilst engaging with every attendee.”

As well as facilitating the on stage presentations, the Elevate team will also be on hand to present one of the major awards of the night, Campaign of the Year, a category that celebrates the best of the best FMBE camapaigns.

Not only that but the FMBE Awards comes around just before a new report spearheaded by Global COO, Carina Filek. ElevateHER aims to address critical issues affecting women, such as female health, childcare, and career progression, including specifics for the events industry.  The report follows a survey from the last quarter. FMBE guests can look out for a special link to the latest from ElevateHer from their seats on awards night.

Frank adds, “ElevateHER is a great cross-industry initiative that we are proud to support at FMBE Awards”


Elevate Global launches ElevateHER and invites survey participants

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