We Are Collider helps Red Bull host e-sports tournament

MR_221210_Day3_0028Red Bull’s ‘Home Ground’ e-sports tournament that took place across the weekend of 9 to 12 December at Victoria Warehouse in Manchester.
During this third edition of Red Bull’s e-sports tournament, eight of the world’s most elite teams battled it out in a knock-out competition that saw 100 Thieves crowned winners after a thrilling final against Cloud 9.
We Are Collider was the official event organiser. The agency created the one-of-a-kind immersive e-sports event by delivering all scenic design, event management, build and technical production, lighting, logistics and player management.
The sold-out event could be experienced IRL by ticket-holders, or watched on Twitch and YouTube. With an online viewership of half a million total hours, and over 100,000 consecutive views for the final, We Are Collider played a pivotal role in bringing the live event to a global fan base.
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