Brand Belief launch Wine Wise roadshow

After a two-year break, Get Wine Wise returns for a 4th time and will focus on wine knowledge, education and tastings across the 12 main wine producing countries. Providing consumers with key messages and more importantly the confidence to go into shopping outlets and proactively pick out a bottle of the grape juice without the intimidation and confusion

The event returns to the road this May along with both major and aspiring wine brands. It will include a fully integrated wine sampling roadshow, national media, extensive strategic social media and promotional activities, all with the aim to encourage consumers to make educated purchases. ITV’s new 13 part series ‘The Wine Show’ is due to air alongside the month long tour

The roadshow will be run by three teams of Wine Wizards who will be fully equipped to provide information whilst providing consumers with samples to help whet their pallets and tickle their taste buds. All efforts are to help consumers make informed, not ‘deal-driven’ wine choices and to ‘drink less, but better.’

Get Wine Wise’s target will be to engage with around half million wine-aware consumers and to promote wider wine wisdom, choice and greater sales for both sponsors and supporting retailers. The teams will be visiting 50 top large format Tesco & Sainsbury’s stores across London, South and Midlands, plus three Mainline London Train Stations Liverpool Street, Victoria and Waterloo.

Brand Belief is behind the activation.


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