Kommando and Story unite to help Scottish directive to ‘Eat in Season’
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A Government Funded Initiative, Eat In Season (Part of Greener Scotland)has got underway. Experiential marketing agency Kommando teamed up with Government appointed agency Story and together constructed a marketing campaign which educates consumers about in season produce.
The campaign lets consumers know what is in season for every month of the year and how simple in season produce can be included in their diets. There will be a nationwide tour of popular supermarket and gardening stores and activity will be carried out over a 5 week period and visit 28 locations across Scotland.
It’s commonly known that strawberries taste best in the summer and root vegetables are best in the winter but as for everything else many people are in the dark and overwhelmed by the year-round choice of produce available. The campaign raises awareness of in season produce and the benefits of buying/ consuming it. It promotes seasonal food as being better value for money, easier to obtain, tastes better and contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. The campaign encourages this healthier lifestyle through a compelling message/ reason: taste is the best reason to eat food in season.
The campaign tours around Scotland, handing out delicious and mouth watering samples, as well as providing the recipes and helpful tips/ information about in season produce. Everyone can discover the best ways to cook the produce and learn how to prepare in season dishes (including those they have sampled) using a range of fresh and seasonal produce. Branded gazebos will be set up outside and onsite chefs will prepare 3 recipes, using in season produce inside a bespoke vehicle. Brand ambassadors will distribute samples of these to consumers and hand out recipe leaflets and A4 fridge magnets. A competition will also be in place.
This campaign is part of a bigger initiative, called Greener Scotland, which hopes to achieve the Scottish Government’s climate change targets. To achieve these targets, the Scottish population needs to adopt more environmentally friendly behaviours, one of which is to buy and consume fresh and in season produce, as this will help improve Scotland’s environmental sustainability, economic growth and health and wellbeing.