FMBE launches BEst Connected recognition scheme for top performing individuals


BEst Connected Recognition Programme

The FMBE Awards has launched a new scheme for recognizing the top performing individuals in the industry  and the value that they bring to the FMBE industry through their work and connected strategies.

Called BEst Connected these awards are free to enter and reliant on nomination form another person (or more) in the industry. The BE in Best Connected stands for Brand Engagement, a core ability that all recipients will share.

BEst Connected recognition is a year round programme that links with FMBE Awards, 30th January 2025 and a new date set for London on 14th March 2025, the FMBE Network.

Frank Wainwright, FMBE Awards Director explains: “FMBE has always been the only place where Field Marketers and Brand Experience come together each year. That’s a huge win for the industry, where many of the FM and BE agencies are aligned in terms of  ownership and also in working together for campaign outcomes. Through BEst Connected we will put the spotlight on the individuals who are best placed to make these strategies pay. We believe there is a real value to a scheme that allows the best innovators to grow the industry and increase its reach and share of sales and marketing budgets.”

BEst Connected has 6 categories and nomination of individuals is free.

BEst Connected Recognition Programme

Frank Wainwright explains: “The categories are essentially a guide to help nominees think about who might be good to nominate. What we hope to end up with each year is a small select group of individuals whose achievements we can celebrate – suppliers, agency and clients.”


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