Sky opens permanent customer experience shop at Trinity Leeds
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Trinity, the Landsec retail and leisure destination in the heart of Leeds, has announced the opening of a new permanent shop for Sky, Europe’s leading media and entertainment company.
The new shop forms part of Sky’s strategy to move into bricks and mortar retail, to deliver an enhanced customer experience and showcase the wider Sky offer. Bringing Sky’s innovative pay TV, mobile, and broadband products under one roof, the Trinity unit is separated into designated themed areas, including a ‘Customer Hub’ and ‘Access All Areas’ stage for interactive experiences.
Comprising 3,040 sq ft in total, the shop is Sky’s largest to date and the first in the region. It provides an unrivalled space for customers to speak with Sky’s expert advisors and test out the brand’s latest innovations. Located close to Trinity’s Commercial Street entrance, it will continue to operate in-line with the latest Covid-19 government guidelines.
Commenting on the signing, James Hutchinson, Portfolio Manager at Landsec, said: “In an omnichannel world of retail, Sky’s new retail strategy highlights the benefits of physical retail spaces which focus on a redefined customer experience. It is testament to Trinity’s draw, as the prime retail destination in the heart of Leeds, that Sky have chosen the centre to open not only their biggest shop to date, but also the first within Yorkshire.”
Matthew Price, Retail Director, Sky UK, commented: “Sky has a long and positive history with Leeds. With our major technology hub just around the corner at Leeds Dock, it made sense to open our largest Sky shop yet in the heart of the city. Throw in the city’s growing and diverse population, and it was a no-brainer to build our retail presence here. The space at Trinity is the best place to showcase everything Sky can do, and we are delighted to have opened this experiential shop to new and existing customers.”
This news follows the announcement that sports and lifestyle giant Decathlon has taken 35,000 sq ft at Trinity Leeds, transforming the former BHS and enhancing the fitness-focused offer at the destination.
Trinity Leeds brings together over 120 local, national, and international brands under one roof. Through its varied lineup of retail, dining, and leisure, Trinity truly brings the Heart of Leeds to Life, working as a focal point within the city. Its prime retail offer is complemented by Trinity Kitchen – the leading street food hub that helps incubate small businesses while rotating its operators, to keep fresh options for the city’s residents and workers