Covid and Christmas combine for flexible worker demand peak

Food and drink brands, ranging from household names to scale-ups, are increasingly turning to a flexible workforce.

They are facing the double whammy of having to meet the supply challenges caused by the spike in Covid-19 cases alongside the usual high demand in the run-up to Christmas.

Lorna Davidson, CEO of Liverpool-based flexible working community Redwigwam, said: “Coronavirus has had a huge impact on all businesses and the FMCG sector has been on the frontline. “A second wave of Covid-19 cases combined with Peak is stretching the industry to its limits. The need for huge numbers of flexible, temporary workers is high, partly to meet the increased demands of customers but also to combat the challenge of existing workers having to isolate at home.Having access to a pool of talented flexible workers gives companies the scope to turn on and off their hiring to meet the changing needs of the business.”

Burton’s Biscuits, which traces its history back to the mid-1800s, is one company stepping up its use of flexible workers.

Jo Harwood, Sales Director of Burton’s, said: “Flexible workers give us more control giving us staff when we need them. More and more companies are turning to flexible workers. Flexible working means people get a better work-life balance. They can do the school run as well as work whereas 5 or 10 years ago it was one or the other.”


Redwigwam uses an AI-powered online platform to match its flexible working community with hirers. It has over 130,000 workers registered on its platform, while 3,500 businesses have signed up to tap into the company’s talent pool of quality workers.

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