Brand Experience Award LIVE’s Creative Award sees a hotly contested opening Pool

Brand Experience Live has seen a hotly contested opening pool with four agencies from seven all coming close to the win.

The last judge’s report came in at noon today leaving two agency and brand teams out in front by a whisker. The two leading agency and brand teams will now have their scores forwarded for direct comparison with future pool winners and runners-up.

Awards director Frank Wainwright stated: “For this award we recruited a large roster of 25 judges and also created an online voting system to produce a combined score. In this pool the same 4 contenders were popular across the board, seeing support from both a large number of judges and our online membership. During the voting and judging period the lead changed hands a number of times between four favoured campaigns – Ignite with Vodafone, RPM with Smirnoff, PrettyGreen with Cadbury and VIA with Mitsubishi Pencil Company.”

This competition is large and wide-ranging, with 35 campaigns entered across a total of 5 pools showing off a range of creative solutions using brand experience. Pool winners and runners up have a chance, at this stage, of making the final 4 for the live judging hosted at IOEX on 8th March, but with 4 pools yet to be judged, further scoring analysis lies ahead before a final 4 is announced on 28th February.

Judging was consistent amongst the top four with only one judge going outside the four front runners when naming their favourite campaign in the pool. Equally each of the top four campaigns saw only a couple of judges scoring against them.

First and second place in the pool remain under wraps, so the ‘result’ of Pool 1 is, in no particular order:

Ignite and Vodafone

RPM and Smirnoff

Many thanks to all who are taking part in this award.The Live award judging is sure to provide furthwer insight into the leading campaigns and the audience gets a chance toi debate and judge the winners. Visit here for IOEX event details.

Videos for the POOL 1 contenders are avaialble here

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