Milk & More and Circle create real field marketing stunt with sustainable focus

Milk & More used field marketing of a different kind in order to show that sustainable packaging is the brand’s home turf.

A statement released by the company explained “At Milk & More, we’re passionate about helping our communities reduce their waste and live more sustainably by championing glass bottles and other environmentally-friendly packaging from like-minded suppliers determined to do their bit for the planet. To spread our message in the most natural way possible, talented artist John Lundberg and his team crafted our logo from just soil and turf, all of which will be reused – a fully zero waste message!”.

The stunt was produced for Milk & More by the Circle Agency.

John and his team meticulously crafted the enormous 60 by 18 metre logo on a Gloucestershire farm using all-natural methods. It took them an impressive 48 hours to create, and after the installation, the turf was collected and reallocated to further turfing projects to ensure that nothing went to waste.

The stunt was created at a time when Milk & More  is introducing consumers to its ‘circular economy of zero waste packaging’. The Milk & More electric float delivery fleet bring glass bottles for milk and juice as well as refillable household supplies from Fill.


Milk & More’s deputy CEO Andrew Kendall said of the project:

“We created this advert to highlight our own, reusable, packaging options. Zero waste packaging is more than just a trend; it is a necessity in today’s world. Ninety-seven per cent of our product range, which includes 200 items of food, drink, and eco-friendly household products, comes in packaging that fits the circular economy – packaging that is reusable, recyclable or compostable. We’re committed to reaching 100% before 2023.”

Suppliers to Milk & More include River Cottage founder  Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, environmental campaigner and co-presenter of BBC’s War on Plastic. Talking of zero waste, he said:

“More than ever, we need brands to look at how they can do better with packaging and waste – plastic in particular. Consumers are clearly fed up with taking home a load of pointless plastic and will be increasingly drawn to products and businesses who can show they take this issue seriously and are prepared to work hard to do better. Milk and More is clearly one of those businesses and that’s one of the reasons I really like working with them.”


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