Qube changes the way in which users handle information.

Qube wants to become the new standard in connecting people and businesses. Hardy Schuerhoff, CEO of Qube belives all of today’s possibilities are hopelessly out of date. “They just don’t serve our needs anymore.” Everyday we all receive large quantities of information. By the time we need it we go and find it and send it to whoever asks for it. Did you know that everyday people spend 45 minutes searching for things? Add to that the time needed to share information and we probably waste an hour a day.

In Schuerhoffs view everybody should always work with the same updated information. Different Cloud storage systems and even e-mail will not be necessary anymore. No more messy self-made directory structures. Everyone will be in control of his own information and easily gains access to the information of others. This should all be possible with one login. This idea forms the bases of Qube.

Qube creates an individual personal (or business) environment, where the user can simply give others access to (parts of) that environment. Qube comes with a pre-designed structure for households or businesses. Through the Qube the user will gain access to (parts of) Qubes of others. The part of the owners Qube that others have access to is always up to date. The same goes for other Qubes that the user has access to. This means that consumers will never have to log in anywhere else again. Qube aims to keep things well organized and simple whilst saving the user a lot of time.

Although the software is already in development, the Qube launched on Kickstarter on 22nd of September to rise extra funds .

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