The Yes Agency and Peperami embark on Pork Juice PR stunt
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Peperami’s new Pork Juice was ‘launched’ last week in the home of spiritual wellbeing Primrose Hill before going on a national sampling tour. The spoof publicity stunt is being executed by the Yes Agency who are accompanying the specially designed Peperami Pork Juice van.
Brand ambassadors for the tour include ex-cricketer Phil Tufnell and glamour model Casey Batchelor who has been seen cuddling pigs whilst wearing her fitness gear.
Pork juice,the brainchild of salami brand Peperami, claims to contain “all the essential phytovitamins and protochemicals the body needs.”
As well as liquidised Peperami, Pork Juice is packed with everything you’d find in a typical pig diet including beetroot, carrots, apples, oats, alfalfa sprouts, hazelnuts, fresh acorns and summer black truffles.
“Goji berries are disgusting and rubbish compared to Pork Juice,” said Nancy Smith, nutrition consultant to Peperami.